Buyers - change an order form before approval

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Buyers can change an order form that has been sent for approval - before it has been approved.


Note: It's also possible to change an order after approval.


To change an order form, you must first withdraw the form from approval.


The order form then appears in your order form list with the status Withdrawn from approval.



You can then edit the order form and submit it once again. First, click on its order form number on the left.


When the order form opens, make any changes you wish to the Order lines.


If you wish, you could also change the Header information, Billing information, Accounting information or Delivery information.


You can then send your order form for approval as normal when you are ready.


The status of the order then changes to Resent for approval. Details about the form having been withdrawn previously will be recorded in the order form's history.





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